Why alloy wheel repair from Dr Alloy is a cut above the rest and what to look out for when taking out alloy wheel insurance

Many companies will promise you the best service but very few actually deliver. If you are contemplating getting an alloy repair in the foreseeable future you might want to read on.

Is your alloy really covered?

Many think getting an alloy replaced is a straight forward process, but that’s not always the case. More and more car manufacturers are now using a laser cut finish or diamond cut for their alloys which not all alloy wheel insurance companies are able to support.  Imagine the scenario, you may have just purchased a new car and it’s now firmly your pride and joy. You may not be a car enthusiast, but a few simple measures can go a long way to looking after your alloy wheels. Let’s have a look at this in further detail.

How do I look after my alloy wheels?

You have just made the commitment and investment into a new car, and you want to make sure you do your utmost in ensuring the alloy wheels are retained to their best condition. Damaged alloys can change the whole visual complexion of your prized asset, so it’s imperative you do your utmost to keep your alloy wheels in tip top condition.

What situations can result in damage to my alloys?

It really could be something as simple as a minor collision with a kerb or going over a pothole, so it goes without saying but drive with care. Many experts recommend avoiding using wheel brush washers in the automatic car wash; try to opt for a soft brush instead, which is much kinder to the alloy. Alternatively you could use a simple hose to remove dust, dirt or debris.

Another simple but effective tip is to frequently wax your wheels with a basic car wax. If you are contemplating washing your alloy wheels, it is important to do this when they are cool. This is because the soap bubbles will dry on the wheels. If you are in the motor industry and race professionally then do not do it immediately after racing, as it can permanently discolour paint finishes.

My alloy wheel insurance covers me for everything……………….right?

If you have alloy wheel insurance then you may think you are covered for all eventualities, think again! Many policies available to customers in the market do not cover you if the wheels are laser or diamond cut. Read the policy before committing and if you are still unsure ask for something in writing to cover you against all eventualities.  Many alloy wheel insurance policies in today’s saturated market, don’t always cover a driver if the vehicle’s wheels are diamond or laser cut. If you opt to take one of these policies out even where you assumed your alloys were not diamond cut but it turned out they were, then you have effectively invalidated your policy as no claim could be made.

The biggest issue you may encounter is trying to cancel the insurance itself as many of the agreements are annual contracts and many will expect you to honour your obligation.

If you are interested in alloy wheel insurance and would like to learn more, why not contact a representative from Dr Alloy who will be more than happy to assist. We don’t just support drivers with their alloy wheel insurance but can offer impartial advice. Contact us on the usual numbers or comment below.


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